Distress Line

Distress Line/ Call In

Is a telephone listening service for people who may find themselves in a lonely place or may be feeling isolated or confused. It is a support service for people who are experiencing distress, about their circumstances.


  • About interpersonal relationships
  • For connection
  • In loneliness and isolation
  • Coping with physical & mental health concerns
  • In recovery with addictions
  • Coping with trauma
  • Moving through anxiety, depression & self-harm
  • … And other real life experiences!


Distress line volunteers


TeleConnect ~ Guelph

Offers a call‐out program designed to support individuals in exploring and identifying their personal goals and in taking action. It is a means to offer social connection and gentle reminders.


  • Social connection
  • Safety & security
  • Reminders bolstering healthy routines
  • Caregiver reassurance
  • Community agencies concerns for their clients
  • … And much more!


TeleCheck ~ Dufferin

TeleCheck ~ Dufferin

Expands Its Unique Daily Call-Out Program to Seniors!

Recruiting Volunteers for TeleCheck DufferinTeleCheck~Dufferin is a daily call-out check-in service that supports the safety of seniors who wish to live independently in their homes.The program operates out of the Edelbrock Centre, 30 Centre Street, Orangeville, and has been running successfully for ten years. Calls are delivered each morning, starting at 8.30 sharp, seven days a week, by a team of dedicated volunteers and staff.

The service is available to seniors, (adults 55+), and to caregivers. TeleCheck ~ Dufferin is pleased to announce it has now received funding from the Central West LHIN (Local Health Integration Network), to expand the current service.  An afternoon program will provide daily calls from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. to support seniors and vulnerable people living at home. The need for this expansion has been confirmed by the success of the TeleCheck – Dufferin program which made over 32,000 calls this year.

People interested in receiving the daily call-out service will register to become a Member of the service. No assessment is required; self referral is accepted by individuals and families.

Members can design their own personal plan upon which their ‘call’ will be based. The call-out program works collaboratively with many community service providers such as Community Care Access Center, Alzheimer Society, Headwaters Health Care Centre, Canadian Mental Health Association, Seniors Centre and other like-minded agencies that support seniors.

The benefits to individuals, families and communities are significant”, reports John Jones, Executive Director. “We know from our internal research and polling of members that the daily call-out saves lives.

Katherine Johnson, Manager of Services, who will implement and oversee the launch of the expanded service explains, “With our daily call-out, our members find the friendly volunteer voice provides social connection; for some, it is the only call they will receive that day. For many, it is a health and safety check ensuring quick response if there is any concern and support is required.

Recently one member’s phone malfunctioned and she was unable to receive calls.  TeleCheck followed our agreement and notified her designated Emergency Contact. Continuing the daily reminders, she has been able to maintain her health and attend scheduled medical appointments, avoiding unnecessary hospitalization”.  “One life-saving situation” Johnson shared, “was when a senior member had fallen. We were unable to connect with him at his regular call-out time. And as is our commitment, we continued to call every 10 minutes for a predetermined period of time.When there was still no response, we alerted the designated Emergency Contact – the Building Superintendent  in this case. The member was located and taken to hospital where a positive outcome was the result”.

 “The scope of service provided by TeleCheck ~ Dufferin is vast and personal. We know from our partner agencies that we provide a unique service.” explains John Jones. “We appreciate the  recognition our program has received from our funders, from other service providers and from the community-at-large and look forward to this expansion and to providing even more support to our members.”

For more information about services and/or volunteering call: 519-415-3764

Volunteer Application

Emergency Shelter Resource Line

Emergency Shelter

Do you need temporary shelter? Call us.


Guelph  519.767.6594

Toll Free 1.888.821.3760


The service will not be able to help find a permanent housing solution. For housing referrals, or to discuss other confidential issues with a trained volunteer you may call the Distress Line at 821-3760.

Local Emergency Shelter Providers: